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Protecting the Medicine Lake Highlands (August 2024)

Photo by Don Burk – Little Medicine Lake

Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA) is supporting the efforts of the Pit River Tribe to have the Medicine Lake Highlands declared a National Monument (Sattitla) in concert with CalWild, CalTrout, California Native Plant Society, Wilderness Conservation Foundation, W.A.T.E.R., and Trout Unlimited. Many other area groups are also supporting this and we are urging all SEA supporters to support this by signing a petition of support on the Pit River Tribe website for the effort. You can sign the petition and learn more about the effort here.

One of the major reasons for National Monument status is many companies have tried to get geothermal permits for electric plants which are a threat to the pristine waters that flow from the Medicine Lake area. Drilling compounds, forest clearing for roads, industrial-size plants, and extensive high-voltage power lines would all threaten the ecosystem and in particular water pollution. Protecting this land with National Monument status will also help California meet its 30/30 goals and the area is also sacred to local tribes. Trout Unlimited has an excellent article and photos on the importance of preserving the water here and another article by the Redding Record Searchlight can be found here

You can also send your comments directly to President Biden here and Congressman Doug LaMalfa here. SEA would also like to see copies of your letters that we can forward to Senator Padilla who is supporting this. Please forward your letters to SEA at

(below) Photo by Don Burk