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The Development Services/Planning Department has listened to many critical comments made regarding the Draft General Plan and because of those comments, they have strengthened some of the language.
Much of the draft plan had phrases such as “consider, strive to, or work to” all of which are so vague as to be meaningless whereas other California cities’ general plans state words such as “shall, must, will, and require.” The city dropped many of these vague phrases, but not enough which received widespread complaints and ridicule. However, they did take heed of your many comment letters.
One extremely important area they did not address adequately was climate change. They left in the waffle wording of “consider.” This is the most important issue facing all of life on earth and, in particular, hot Redding. Here is the weak wording:
“EJ3E – Consider the development and adoption of a Climate Action and Resiliency Plan. Support plans, standards, regulations, incentives, and investments, and seek grants and other funding to reduce the impacts of climate change on vulnerable residents.”
I served on the General Plan focus group for this section and at each meeting many of us emphasized the importance of strengthening the language but it was never changed as we wanted it. It looks like Redding is not really willing to do more to combat climate change except to “consider” doing something about it. How mealy-mouthed can you get?
Sacramento River Riparian Areas May Not Be Protected
Another item of concern is setbacks of development from the Sacramento River which are currently 150 feet. A careful reading of a map of the waterways of Redding has this small exemption of lands from the Cypress Street Bridge to Turtle Bay. This is the entire area covered by the Riverfront Specific Plan.
“Minimum 75-foot development setback from riparian dripline or 150 feet from bank whichever is greater. Water-orientated commercial projects in the Cypress Avenue, Park Marina, and Convention Center areas which may have reduced setbacks.”
This is from the 2000 to 2020 General Plan and the same map and description is used in the new draft General Plan. The newer office buildings north of the Cypress Street bridge are as close as 45 feet from the bank and the concrete trail is as small as 10 feet from the bank.
Keep those comments coming! You can easily comment on these issues addressed above or any others by going to this link: https://www.cityofredding.gov/government/departments/development_services/planning/draftgeneralplan.php and adding your comment/feedback or by emailing here: gpcomments@cityofredding.org